Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

ganglia enterica

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema nervosum periphericum Short Extended
Level 2 divisio autonomica Short Extended
Current level ganglia enterica
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
ganglia enterica
enteric ganglia
63087 9563 tax
neura ganglii enterici
neurons of enteric ganglion
9577 tax
neura enterica
enteric neurons
9586 tax
neura afferentia primaria intrinsica
intrinsic primary afferent neurons
9587 tax
interneura longiaxonica enterica
enteric projection interneurons
9588 tax
interneura ascendentia enterica
enteric ascending interneurons
9568 tax
interneura descendentia enterica
enteric descending interneurons
9569 tax
interneura intestinofugientia enterica
enteric intestinofugal interneurons
9570 tax
interneura breviaxonica enterica
local enteric interneurons
9573 tax
motoneura enterica ; neura motoria
enteric motoneurons
9574 tax
motoneura excitatoria enterica
enteric excitatory motoneurons
9589 tax
motoneura inhibitoria enterica
enteric inhibitory motoneurons
glia enterica
enteric glia
13 lines
0.0 %
0.0 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 9564
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 12
Number of children 12 (validated)
Proper units 13
Number of units 13 (validated)
Signature 22432 (validated since 3.5.2018)
Date: 18.06.2024